24 October 2017 Verification and calibration of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) prototype for measurement of microcirculation
Yung-Hui Li, Chia-Ming Hu, Ming-Lun Tsai
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Proceedings Volume 10457, AOPC 2017: Laser Components, Systems, and Applications; 1045735 (2017)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC2017), 2017, Beijing, China
Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF), a non-invasive microcirculation measurement equipment, is designed to be used in measuring microcirculation and perfusion in the skin. LDF is very applicable to healthcare. However, the cost of commercial LDF prevents its prevalence and popularity. In this paper, continuing previous researches, a LDF prototype was built from the combination of the off-the-shelf electronic components. The raw signals acquired from the proposed LDF prototype is validated to be relevant to the microcirculation flux.

Furthermore, we would like to verify the consistency between the signals measured from both model, and find an implicit transformation rule to transform the LDF prototype signals. For the purpose of verification and calibration of the LDF prototype signal feature, we first collected a parallel database consisting of flux signals measured by commercial and prototype LDF at the same time. Second, we extract signals with specific frequency of normalized signals as features and use these features to establish a model to allow us to map signals measured by LDF prototype to the commercial model. The result of the experiment showed that after we used the linear regression models to calibrate physiological feature, the correlation coefficient reached nearly 0.9999, which is close to a perfect positive correlation. The overall evaluation results showed that the proposed method can verify and ensure the validity of the LDF prototype. Through the proposed transformation, the flux signals measured by the proposed LDF prototype can successfully be transformed to its parallel form as if it is measured by commercial LDF.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yung-Hui Li, Chia-Ming Hu, and Ming-Lun Tsai "Verification and calibration of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) prototype for measurement of microcirculation", Proc. SPIE 10457, AOPC 2017: Laser Components, Systems, and Applications, 1045735 (24 October 2017);
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Doppler effect

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