14 February 2020 Detection and identification of insulator defects using hierarchical networks in the high-speed railway overhead contact system
Mingyang Yue, Bo Yang, Sheng Zhong
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Proceedings Volume 11430, MIPPR 2019: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision; 114300Y (2020)
Event: Eleventh International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR2019), 2019, Wuhan, China
The high-speed railway overhead contact system is a transmission line that is erected along the high-speed railway and supplies power to the electric locomotive. Once the overhead contact system is powered off, it will directly affect the safe operation of the locomotive, with serious consequences. Insulators are the key components for regular inspection of high-speed railway overhead contact system. The common faults of insulators are damage, dirt and discharge. There are many types of components in a single image, but their shapes vary from different components. These components should be divided into normal or multiple different fault types. Usually the difference between different fault types of the same component is small. Therefore, a hierarchical coarse-to-fine strategy is proposed to address this issue. Specifically, for a trade-off between efficiency and accuracy, an efficient network is leveraged to detect the insulator in the image, and an accurate network is then utilized to identify the fault.
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Mingyang Yue, Bo Yang, and Sheng Zhong "Detection and identification of insulator defects using hierarchical networks in the high-speed railway overhead contact system", Proc. SPIE 11430, MIPPR 2019: Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, 114300Y (14 February 2020);
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Image classification

Defect detection

Neural networks

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