18 December 2023 A microscopic image enhancement algorithm and its implementation on mobile platforms
Siqi Liu, Feihong Yu
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In recent years, there has been a tremendous development in the computing and processing power of mobile platforms, leading to a continuous emergence of research and achievements in mobile platform image processing. The processing of microscopic images using mobile platforms has also become an increasingly urgent demand. One important goal of image processing is to enhance the quality of the images, and in the case of microscopic images, color images make up a significant portion. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a microscopic image enhancement algorithm on mobile platforms to further improve the observation and capturing experience of microscopic images on these devices. In this study, extensive research work was conducted to analyze and study the implementation of image dehazing algorithms. By considering the characteristics of microscopic images, the algorithm was improved to achieve a mobile platform-compatible microscopic image enhancement algorithm, which was successfully applied on an Android mobile platform with Rockchip's RK3399 as the core. Extensive experiments were conducted on slice samples under different magnification levels and lighting conditions, demonstrating that the algorithm can achieve efficient and outstanding microscopic image enhancement.
(2023) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Siqi Liu and Feihong Yu "A microscopic image enhancement algorithm and its implementation on mobile platforms", Proc. SPIE 12963, AOPC 2023: Optical Sensing, Imaging, and Display Technology and Applications; and Biomedical Optics, 129630H (18 December 2023);
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Image enhancement

Image transmission

Image processing

Image filtering


Image quality

Tunable filters

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