16 December 2004 A new spectroscopy method for in situ rapid detection and classification of micro-organisms
Luis H. Garcia-Rubio, Catalina E. Alupoaei, Jose A. Olivares, Peter Stark, Alicia Garcia-Lopez, Christie Stephans, Tracy Berg, Greta Klungness, Angela Gennaccaro, Debra E. Huffman
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Recent developments in the characterization of particle dispersions have demonstrated that complementary information on the joint particle property distribution (size-shape-chemical composition) of micron and sub-micron particles is available from multiwavelength spectrophotometric measurements. The UV-VIS transmission spectra of the microorganism suspensions reported herein were recorded using a Hewlett-Packard 8453 diode array spectrometer with an acceptance angle smaller than 2 degrees. To eliminate concentration and particle number effects, the transmission spectra were normalized with the average optical density between 230-900 nm. Experimental results demonstrate that microorganisms at various states of growth give rise to spectral differences that can be used for their identification and classification and that this technology can be used for the characterization of the joint particle property distribution for a large variety of continuous, on-line, and in-situ particle characterization applications. An interpretation model has been developed for the quantitative interpretation of spectral patterns resulting from transmission measurements of microorganism suspensions. The interpretation model is based on light scattering theory and spectral deconvolution techniques and yields the quantitative information necessary to define the probability of the detection and identification of microorganisms. A data base of 54 pathogens has been created and demonstrates that the technology can be used in the field for real-time in-situ monitoring applications.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Luis H. Garcia-Rubio, Catalina E. Alupoaei, Jose A. Olivares, Peter Stark, Alicia Garcia-Lopez, Christie Stephans, Tracy Berg, Greta Klungness, Angela Gennaccaro, and Debra E. Huffman "A new spectroscopy method for in situ rapid detection and classification of micro-organisms", Proc. SPIE 5585, Chemical and Biological Point Sensors for Homeland Defense II, (16 December 2004); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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