21 March 2006 Study on development system of increasing gearbox for high-performance wind-power generator
Hongbin Xu, Kejun Yan, Junyu Zhao
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Proceedings Volume 6040, ICMIT 2005: Mechatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials; 604011 (2006)
Event: ICMIT 2005: Merchatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials, 2005, Chongqing, China
Based on the analysis of the development potentiality of wind-power generator and domestic manufacture of its key parts in China, an independent development system of the Increasing Gearbox for High-performance Wind-power Generator (IGHPWG) was introduced. The main elements of the system were studied, including the procedure design, design analysis system, manufacturing technology and detecting system, and the relative important technologies were analyzed such as mixed optimal joint transmission structure of the first planetary drive with two grade parallel axle drive based on equal strength, tooth root round cutting technology before milling hard tooth surface, high-precise tooth grinding technology, heat treatment optimal technology and complex surface technique, and rig test and detection technique of IGHPWG. The development conception was advanced the data share and quality assurance system through all the elements of the development system. The increasing Gearboxes for 600KW and 1MW Wind-power Generator have been successfully developed through the application of the development system.
© (2006) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hongbin Xu, Kejun Yan, and Junyu Zhao "Study on development system of increasing gearbox for high-performance wind-power generator", Proc. SPIE 6040, ICMIT 2005: Mechatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials, 604011 (21 March 2006); Logo
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