16 July 2015 Simulation of light propagation in biological tissue using a modified finite volume method applied to three-dimensional radiative transport equation
Fatmir Asllanaj, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Andre Liemert, Alwin Kienle
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An important issue in tissue optics and Optical Tomography is to have an efficient forward solver. In this work, a new numerical algorithm was developed for solving light propagation with the radiative transport equation within a three-dimensional absorbing and a highly forward-scattering medium such as a biological tissue subjected to an incident beam. Both elastically scattered light and fluorescence light were studied. Two steady state problems used to assess the performance and accuracy of the proposed algorithm are presented. We show that it is possible to obtain a good level of accuracy with a deterministic numerical method: relative differences less than 1.7% and 4.5% were obtained when compared against Monte Carlo solutions for problems of elastically scattered light and fluorescence light, respectively.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Fatmir Asllanaj, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier, Andre Liemert, and Alwin Kienle "Simulation of light propagation in biological tissue using a modified finite volume method applied to three-dimensional radiative transport equation", Proc. SPIE 9538, Diffuse Optical Imaging V, 95380I (16 July 2015);
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Light scattering

Tissue optics

Monte Carlo methods

Numerical analysis

Algorithm development

Optical properties

Optical tomography

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