From Event: SPIE Optical Systems Design, 2021
We present an UV spectrograph with an in-vacuum resolution R=λ/Δλ≈20000 covering the 70-400 nm wavelength range with an échelle configuration. The instrument is now in the assembly, test and verification phase, as a milestone of the project LAPSUS (LAboratory Plasma Spectroscopy for Ultraviolet Space) funded to the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics – Laboratori Nazionali del Sud (INFN-LNS) by the Italian Space Agency in 2020. The goal of the project is to build an experimental atomic database in the UV spectral range, useful to interpret astrophysical spectra acquired by space missions. For this purpose the LAPSUS spectrograph will be coupled to the plasma traps operating at INFN-LNS, in order to apply high resolution spectroscopy to the emission of laboratory plasmas resembling astrophysical environments.
© (12 September 2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Matteo Munari, Marina Giarrusso, Giovanni Catanzaro, Ricardo Zanmar Sanchez, Claudio Ferrara, Lorenzo Giustolisi, and Francesco Leone, "A UV spectrograph for the LAPSUS project," Proc. SPIE 11876, Optical Instrument Science, Technology, and Applications II, 118760J (Presented at SPIE Optical Systems Design: 12 September 2021; Published: 12 September 2021);