Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are a type of solid-state quantum emitter that can act as a near-ideal quantum light-matter interface when integrated with high-quality nanophotonic systems. Though QDs have typically been used to create state-of-the-art, on-demand single photon sources, here we widen the perspective on QDs, showing how to design quantum photonic integrated circuits based on both linear and nonlinear QD phase shifters. Specifically, we find that linear QD phase shifters can be used to realize cryogenically-compatible, fast, low-loss, and high-fidelity reconfigurable linear circuits. When paired with QDs that mediate interactions between photonic qubits, generating nonlinear phase shifts, deterministic quantum photonic logic gates can be achieved. Thus, our work paves the way for the realization of on-chip, cryogenically-compatible linear and nonlinear quantum photonic circuits, including quantum photonic neural networks, which can form the foundation for scalable and efficient quantum photonic technologies.