Last year at your convention in Anaheim we reported our first experience with a new optical system, the so-called "rod-lens" system, designed by Professor Hopkins (England) for medical purposes and is produced by Karl Storz Company (W. Germany). In every disease of hollow deeply situated organs which have some sort of outlet to the surface, for instance the gullet, windpipe, the urinary bladder or back passage, etc. a rigid tube can be introduced. It was already discovered in the last century that there are many diseases which cannot be assessed by other means than with direct visual inspection and this is called "endoscopy", which means looking inside. For the examination of the lung, for example, a tube is introduced through the mouth into the trachea to keep it apart. A small little light carrier is placed on the working end. The Wattage of this globe is approximately 3. The examination of the inside of the organ is performed by naked eye. The length of these instruments are 400 mm. (16") which is not optimal, by any means, for the human vision. In addition, the dim light interferes with the accurate vision of our receptor system.