13 December 1976 The Analytical Research On The Apparent Movement Perception: Psychophysical Consideration I.
Kiyoe Mizusawa, David E. Heyd
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Presenting two target stimuli at the proper spacing, duration, and time interval produces movement perception in human observers. The observer sees a single stimulus, moving continuously across the physically empty space, from its first location to its second. The production of the movement perception depends upon such physical variables as duration of stimuli, X1; time between stimuli, X2; intensity of stimuli, X3; and distance between stimuli, X4' The research examines the optimum conditions for producing movement perception. The determination of the optimum movement perception was made in the range of variables X1, X2, and X4 in the respective interval 90<X1<310 milliseconds, O<X2 <50 seconds, 0<X4<15 centimeters. A chisquared test of independence reveals that the frequency of responses of optimum movement is dependent only on the variables X1 and X4. Therefore, by curvilinear regression analysis, the frequency of responses of optimum movement perception is approximated in terms of X for each experimental value of X. For each value of X the parabola, 1 f(X14 IXh) = 0 +1X1 + f3,2X12' and the value of X1 where f has its maximum were found. The application areas of the results are further discussed in the second paper.
© (1976) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kiyoe Mizusawa and David E. Heyd "The Analytical Research On The Apparent Movement Perception: Psychophysical Consideration I.", Proc. SPIE 0087, Advances in Image Transmission Techniques, (13 December 1976);
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Analytical research

Motion analysis

Image transmission


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