29 June 1982 Calligraphic/Raster Color Display For Simulation
Joe A. Mays
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This paper describes the development of a 25-inch, high resolution RGB shadow mask color display which has the capability to operate in either a raster or calligraphic (stroke) format. It is also possible to intermix the two formats to achieve a level of performance not possible with either individually. The display utilizes a new high resolution shadow mask color CRT capable of resolution in excess of 1100 TV lines. Some of the performance goals set for the display are: operation in a TV raster format, 1023 lines with a standard 7 microsecond blanking time; precision vector scanning at a rate of one inch per microsecond; a jump and settle mode where the beam can be positioned from any point to any other point on the screen in less than 12 microseconds; and TV raster rotation of ±45 degrees with externally generated resolved sweep signals. The display has many features, including DC coupled focus which provides the user with a dynamic spot size capability; an internal raster generator selectable by a TTL level control; and an optional internal sync/pattern generator which allows off-line maintenance and calibration. In addition, busy signals are provided from each deflection amplifier as well as the dynamic focus amplifier to provide a handshake capability with computer based digital image generation systems. The display is being developed specifically for use in simulation and takes into account the mechanical and optical constraints imposed by a simulator. For example, the convergence controls are provided in a remote control box which allows the display to be adjusted from the subject's viewpoint.
© (1982) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Joe A. Mays "Calligraphic/Raster Color Display For Simulation", Proc. SPIE 0303, Visual Simulation and Image Realism II, (29 June 1982);
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