15 October 1984 A Fiber Optic Digital Uplink For Ocean-Floor Experimentation
John P. Powers
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A fiber optic data link has been implemented to carry data from an ocean-floor geomagnetic data collection system to a surface telemetry buoy. The battery-powered link was designed to operate at depths of up to 100 meters although the system margin would allow depths in excess of 1.5 km. Pulse-code modulated data is obtained from sampled analog data, organized into frames, preceded by a synchronizing code word, and applied to the optical transmitter. Data rates of up to 250 kb/s were achieved. Commercial transmitters and receivers were incorporated into waterproof housings with bulkhead penetrators of local design used to provide fiber access. Fiber optic cable with Kevlar strength members was used for the link. A nonmagnetic deployment apparatus was fashioned to to allow for deployment and recovery of the experiment from an oceanographic research vessel. The experiment was sucessfully deployed, operated, and recovered in Monterey Bay on three separate oc-casions.
© (1984) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
John P. Powers "A Fiber Optic Digital Uplink For Ocean-Floor Experimentation", Proc. SPIE 0506, Fiber Optics in Adverse Environments II, (15 October 1984);
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Analog electronics


Fiber optics


Optical spheres


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