16 July 1986 The PSL 4000 - A Picosecond Excimer Laser
Berthold Burghardt, Bernd Nikolaus, Herbert Pummer
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For several years now picosecond dye laser technology has served researchers in the investigation of ultra-short phenomena. While becoming more and more sophisticated, synchronously pumped dye lasers today are a standard research tool in many laboratories. There exists however a substantial range of applications - mainly for instance in the short wavelength range or in non-linear applications - where these lasers do not provide sufficient pulse energy or peak powers. The answer to this problem has been the develop-ment of picosecond pulse amplifiers which can bring the low intensity pulses from a mode-locked laser to high intensities followed possibly by frequency doubling and maybe even further amplification after the doubling stage. While such systems have led to excellent results they have at the same time excluded experimenters who are not interested in spending time and energy in the development of such comparatively complex laser systems from doing research in this area. To these researchers, the Lambda Physik PSL 4000 makes available for the first time a turn-key laser of modest complexity which can deliver pulses in the ultraviolet spectral region at 248 and 308nm with durations of the order of a few 10 picoseconds and energies of the order of 10 mJ or more. With this instrument focussed intensities which exceed 1014Wcm-2 can be achieved using standard optics.
© (1986) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Berthold Burghardt, Bernd Nikolaus, and Herbert Pummer "The PSL 4000 - A Picosecond Excimer Laser", Proc. SPIE 0610, Scientific and Engineering Applications of Commercial Laser Devices, (16 July 1986);
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Dye lasers

Pulsed laser operation

Picosecond phenomena

Optical amplifiers


Laser applications

Excimer lasers


Scientific Applications Of Optical Pulse Compression
Proceedings of SPIE (July 16 1986)
Femtosecond Excimer Lasers
Proceedings of SPIE (April 26 1989)
Prototype of an excimer laser for microprocessing
Proceedings of SPIE (August 01 1991)
Research of the quenched dye lasers pumped by excimer lasers
Proceedings of SPIE (September 30 1996)
History and future prospects of excimer lasers
Proceedings of SPIE (February 25 2002)

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