26 June 2017 Two-mirror device for laser scanning systems: multiparameter analysis
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Most laser scanners applications require a linear scanning function, i.e., a constant scanning speed. One of the possible and simplest methods to achieve this – for both scanners with rotational (i.e., polygonal) or oscillatory (i.e., galvanometer) mirrors – is to increase the distance between the mirror and the scanned plane. In order to achieve this, we propose and study a simple and low-cost optical configuration with two plane mirrors set at a certain adjustable angle. The multiple reflections of a laser beam on the two mirrors are considered, the number of images produced is deduced, and the total optical path is obtained. The device is considered for a dimensional measurement application, usually called an optical micrometer - in a set-up which includes the two angular mirrors between a laser scanner with oscillatory or rotational mirrors and its objective lens. This simple device increases the path of the laser beam between the scanning mirror and the lens in a compact construct. The linearity of the scanning function is thus increased, while the total size of the system is reduced – with regard to other possible set-ups. A multi-parameter analysis is proposed and briefly pointed out with regard to the characteristics of the system.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Maria-Alexandra Duma and Virgil-Florin Duma "Two-mirror device for laser scanning systems: multiparameter analysis", Proc. SPIE 10330, Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology VI, 1033014 (26 June 2017);
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Laser scanners


Phase modulation


Laser systems engineering

Optical coherence tomography


Laser scanners: from industrial to biomedical applications
Proceedings of SPIE (November 18 2013)
Large field F-θ laser scanning system
Proceedings of SPIE (May 20 2009)
Precision, Post-Objective, Two-Axis, Galvanometer Scanning
Proceedings of SPIE (September 20 1982)
Optics For Laser Scanning
Proceedings of SPIE (March 01 1974)

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