Observations in the Terra MODIS PVLWIR bands 27 – 30 are known to be influenced by electronic crosstalk from those bands as senders and into those same bands as receivers. The magnitude of this crosstalk affecting L1B radiances has been steadily increasing throughout the mission lifetime, and has resulted in several detectors within these bands to be unusable for making L2 and L3 science products. In recent years, the crosstalk contamination has been recognized as compromising the climate quality status of several MODIS L2 and L3 science products that depend on the PVLWIR bands. In response, the MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST) has undertaken an effort to generate a crosstalk correction algorithm in the operational L1B radiance algorithm. The correction algorithm has been tested and established and crosstalk corrected L1B radiances have been tested in several Terra MODIS L2 science product algorithms, including MOD35 (Cloud Mask), MOD06 (Cloud Fraction, Cloud Particle Phase, Cloud Top Properties), and MOD07 (Water Vapor Profiles). Comparisons of Terra MODIS to Aqua MODIS and Terra MODIS to MetOp-A IASI show that long-term trends in Collection 6 L1B radiances and the associated L2 and L3 science products are greatly improved by the crosstalk correction. The crosstalk correction is slated for implementation into Collect 6.1 of MODIS processing.