Presentation + Paper
25 May 2018 Analysis of orbital angular momentum laser beams for applications in underwater communication
Joseph Brugger, Charles Nelson
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Underwater communications present a challenge in the US Naval Undersea Community. During underwater operations, command and control requires effective communication on both a tactical (short-range) and strategic (long-range) level. One approach to address this issue would be the use of an optical beam to transmit underwater. This paper evaluates the use of an Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) beam and their effectiveness in underwater transmissions as compared to a Gaussian beam. The normalized variance, or scintillation index is used as the metric for comparison. Additionally, an inlaboratory underwater turbulence emulator is used to generate and control various environmental parameters to include varying levels of salinity as well as temperature gradients. The goal of the emulation is to be able to simulate some of the scaled effects of various environments in order to better predict and gain intuition and understanding of the performance of an optical system in various environments. Results provided evaluate efficiency as a function of environmental conditions and scintillation index. Transmission in the 532 nm band is analyzed.
Conference Presentation
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Joseph Brugger and Charles Nelson "Analysis of orbital angular momentum laser beams for applications in underwater communication", Proc. SPIE 10631, Ocean Sensing and Monitoring X, 106310S (25 May 2018);
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Temperature metrology


Laser beam propagation

Ocean optics

Beam shaping


Optical properties of pure water
Proceedings of SPIE (October 26 1994)
LUCIE ROV mounted laser imaging system
Proceedings of SPIE (December 31 1992)
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Proceedings of SPIE (September 27 1984)

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