Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy (FPM) and Differential Phase Contrast (DPC) are quantitative phase imaging (QPI) methods that recover the complex transmittance function of a sample through coded illumination measurements and phase retrieval optimization. The successes of these methods rely upon acquiring several or possibly hundreds of illumination-encoded measurements. The multi-shot nature of such methods limits their temporal resolution. Similar to motion-induced blur during a long photographic exposure, motion occurring during these acquisitions causes spatial distortion and errors in the reconstructed phase, which inhibits these methods' ability to image fast moving live samples.
Here we present a novel approach to correct for motion during QPI capture that relies on motion navigation to register measurements together prior to phase retrieval. The different illumination patterns required for QPI cause the measurements to have a different contrasts. This makes it difficult to use standard registration approaches to estimate complex sample motion directly from the measurements. Instead, we use a color-multiplexed navigator signal (red) that is comprised of a constant illumination pattern and leverage a color camera to separate it from the primary QPI information (green). The reliable motion estimate allows measurements to be shared across time points through image registration. This enables a full set of measurements for a phase retrieval problem to be solved at each time point. We demonstrate proof-of-concept experimental results in which blurring due to live sample motion (swimming Zebra fish, cell motion, and organelle movement) is reduced.