19 July 2018 Optical and mechanical design of the extreme AO coronagraphic instrument MagAO-X
Laird M. Close, Jared R. Males, Olivier Durney, Corwynn Sauve, Maggie Kautz, Alex Hedglen, Lauren Schatz, Jennifer Lumbres, Kelsey Miller, Kyle Van Gorkom, Madison Jean, Victor Gasho
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Here we review the current optical mechanical design of MagAO-X. The project is post-PDR and has finished the design phase. The design presented here is the baseline to which all the optics and mechanics have been fabricated. The optical/mechanical performance of this novel extreme AO design will be presented here for the first time. Some highlights of the design are: 1) a floating, but height stabilized, optical table; 2) a Woofer tweeter (2040 actuator BMC MEMS DM) design where the Woofer can be the current f/16 MagAO ASM or, more likely, fed by the facility f/11 static secondary to an ALPAO DM97 woofer; 3) 22 very compact optical mounts that have a novel locking clamp for additional thermal and vibrational stability; 4) A series of four pairs of super-polished off-axis parabolic (OAP) mirrors with a relatively wide FOV by matched OAP clocking; 5) an advanced very broadband (0.5-1.7μm) ADC design; 6) A Pyramid (PWFS), and post-coronagraphic LOWFS NCP wavefront sensor; 7) a vAPP coronagraph for starlight suppression. Currently all the OAPs have just been delivered, and all the rest of the optics are in the lab. Most of the major mechanical parts are in the lab or instrument, and alignment of the optics has occurred for some of the optics (like the PWFS) and most of the mounts. First light should be in early 2019.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Laird M. Close, Jared R. Males, Olivier Durney, Corwynn Sauve, Maggie Kautz, Alex Hedglen, Lauren Schatz, Jennifer Lumbres, Kelsey Miller, Kyle Van Gorkom, Madison Jean, and Victor Gasho "Optical and mechanical design of the extreme AO coronagraphic instrument MagAO-X", Proc. SPIE 10703, Adaptive Optics Systems VI, 107034Y (19 July 2018); Logo
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