6 July 2018 An anthropomorphic model observer for spiculated masses
Ali R. N. Avanaki, Kathryn S. Espig, Albert Xthona, Tom R. L. Kimpe
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Proceedings Volume 10718, 14th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI 2018); 1071821 (2018)
Event: The Fourteenth International Workshop on Breast Imaging, 2018, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Compared to micro-calcifications in breast tissue, spiculated masses (SpMs) are larger and include more details that are critical to their detection by a human observer. Therefore, the model observers designed for small and simple microcalcifications, such as channelized hoteling observers, cannot be used for SpMs anthropomorphic detection. We propose gauging the visibility of a SpM to a human observer by the visibility of its components, namely the edges (hence, the approach remains sound even in the absence of a dense central mass). To this end, we adapt Barten’s model for visibility of sinusoidal patterns to calculate the perceived strength for single frequency Marr-Hildreth edges (i.e., zero crossings after Laplacian of Gaussian band-pass filtering). Unlike the popular edge detector Canny, the proposed anthropomorphic edge maps are desirably sensitive to edge contrast and robust to noise. Several single frequency perceptual edge maps may be combined to cover the full range of spatial frequencies that human observers are sensitive to using, for example, the principal component analysis or the maximum strength rule. We form an anthropomorphic double-ended model observer based on the comparison of the perceptual edge maps for the given and the reference radiographs. Our results indicate that one can predict if a SpM in an input image is less (or more) visible with respect to the reference, when changing the contrast of the input image.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ali R. N. Avanaki, Kathryn S. Espig, Albert Xthona, and Tom R. L. Kimpe "An anthropomorphic model observer for spiculated masses", Proc. SPIE 10718, 14th International Workshop on Breast Imaging (IWBI 2018), 1071821 (6 July 2018);
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Edge detection

Spatial frequencies

Principal component analysis



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