Intracavity phase interferometry (IPI) is a highly sensitive technique, using mode-locked lasers with two counter-propagating pulses, to measure small displacements, linear and nonlinear refractive indices, magnetic field, scattering, rotation and acceleration. Inertial sensors are needed for high accuracy navigation. Although gyroscopic response was successfully realized in discrete element mode-locked lasers with two circulating pulses, it is impractical in commercial systems. Fiber lasers are the most promising systems to implement IPI, owing to the possibility of producing ultrashort pulses with a compact and low-cost design. There are however substantial challenges to transfer the results of discrete optics lasers to fibers. Most publications on bidirectional fiber lasers report a different average group velocity for each of the circulating pulses, a situation rendering IPI impossible. This problem was solved by constructing an all-PM bidirectional mode-locked fiber laser with two portions of Er-doped fibers pumped through two WDMs to eliminate all the asymmetries in the cavity. In addition to ensuring equal group velocity for each pulse, the symmetric operation reduces the bias beat note. A fine control of the bias is obtained by tuning the pump powers of the two gain sections, in order to minimize the difference between the nonlinear phase accumulated in each direction between absorber and output coupler. Another challenge is to minimize the dead band created by the large scattering of the carbon nanotube. The solution that we implement is to force one of the intracavity pulses to propagate along the fast axis, the other along the slow axis.