The holograms of three-dimensional objects have been interest topics for a long time, but in the last few years other alternatives have been sought to avoid their complexities. Many of them seek to create three-dimensional effects using parallax and knowledge about stereographic vision, in other words, they use two-dimensional images.
In this paper we explore some of the benefits of calculating the wave front of three-dimensional objects, as well as several considerations that must be considered. The main ones are presented when holograms are implemented in an LSM, because of the calculation conditions and laboratory tools. Using spherical waves is a great example, a magnification along the propagation axis is produced and the objects are deformed. Therefore, it is necessary to make a study and propose changes to the algorithm that allow us to solve this situation.
Despite being fundamental complications, they allow us to explore a large amount of solutions and even consider future applications. Within this work, we seek to present some of the proposals that resolved these situations for the work teams applications.