14 May 2019 High-speed 300kev flash x-ray cinematography for investigations of the ballistic impact behavior of target materials and structures
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For understanding the interaction between projectiles and target structures at impact velocities up to 2000 m/s and higher, a fast-multi-flash X-ray system is needed to look through materials. For that reason a fast optical diagnostic system was developed which is equipped with a multi-flash X-ray system, a fast decay scintillator screen and a fast gating intensified multi-frame CCD camera. The already low parallax caused by the compact annular installed RXanodes was eliminated by mathematical affine transformation. A first basic version of an image processing and analysing software was developed to eliminate the already low parallax, to improve the image quality, detect fragments and debris, as well as calculating the object velocity. This high-speed diagnostic system was used for ballistic testing to investigate the ballistic performance of composite body armour, ballistic helmets and laminated armour.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Norbert Faderl and Marvin Becker "High-speed 300kev flash x-ray cinematography for investigations of the ballistic impact behavior of target materials and structures", Proc. SPIE 10999, Anomaly Detection and Imaging with X-Rays (ADIX) IV, 109990L (14 May 2019);
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Signal to noise ratio

X-ray imaging

Image intensifiers

Image quality



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