The results of analytical and numerical analysis of propagation of short probe pulses of electromagnetically induced transparency in the case of control field elliptic polarization are presented. The situation is explored, when the probe field is weak comparison with control radiation. Then the probe pulse in the medium is a sum of two elliptically polarized pulses, which travel without interaction among themselves and have invariable states of polarization. This fact permits to term these pulses nonstationary elliptically polarized normal modes. Numerical simulation shown, that normal mode structure is determined by the ratio of spectral width of input probe pulse to spectral width of quantum transition, which is resonant to probe emission. When this relation is small, each mode in the medium is the pulse similar to input probe pulse. If this relation is large, the mode envelopes are distorted, when mode pulses travel in the medium. In this case, probe pulse absorption increases considerably. The theoretical investigation is performed for the -scheme of degenerate quantum transitions between 3P0 , 3P10 and 3P2 energy levels of 208Pb isotope.