Poster + Paper
14 December 2020 Upgrading the Gemini Planet Imager calibration unit with a photon counting focal plane wavefront sensor
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Conference Poster
High-contrast imaging instruments have advanced techniques to improve contrast, but they remain limited by uncorrected stellar speckles, often lacking a “second stage” correction to complement the Adaptive Optics (AO) correction. We are implementing a new second stage speckle-correction solution for the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI), replacing the instrument calibration unit (CAL) with the Fast Atmospheric Self coherent camera Technique (FAST), a new version of the self-coherent camera (SCC) concept. Our proposed upgrade (CAL2.0) will use a common-path interferometer design to enable speckle correction, through post-processing and/or by a feedback loop to the AO deformable mirror. FAST utilizes a new type of coronagraphic mask that will enable, for the first time, speckle correction down to millisecond timescales. The system's main goal is to improve the contrast by up to 100x in a halfdark hole to enable a new regime of science discoveries. Our team has been developing this new technology at the NRC's Extreme Wavefront control for Exoplanet and Adaptive optics Research Topics (NEW EARTH) laboratory over the past several years. The GPI CAL2.0 update is funded (November 2020), and the system’s first light is expected late 2023.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Christian Marois, B. Gerard, O. Lardière, A. Anthony, C. Bradley, J. Dunn, Q. Fu, T. Hardy, W. Heidrich, G. Herriot, E. Nielsen, S. Sivanandam, D. Sivransky, S. Thibault, W. Thompson, and J.-P. Véran "Upgrading the Gemini Planet Imager calibration unit with a photon counting focal plane wavefront sensor", Proc. SPIE 11448, Adaptive Optics Systems VII, 1144873 (14 December 2020);
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Gemini Planet Imager

Photon counting

Wavefront sensors



Imaging systems

Gemini Observatory


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