Presentation + Paper
20 August 2020 Artificial intelligence (AI) as a key enabling technology for next generation mixed reality (MR) experiences leading to mass adoption in enterprise and consumer spaces
Bernard Kress, Maria Pace, Ishan Chatterjee
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Augmented, mixed and virtual Reality (AR/MR) headsets as well as smart glasses have the potential to revolutionize how we work, communicate, travel, learn, teach, shop and get entertained [1],[2]. An MR headset places virtual content into the user’s view of the real world, either via an optical see-through mode (AR/MR) or video-pass-through mode (VR/MR). Today, the return on investment for MR use has been demonstrated widely for the enterprise and defense sectors, but only partially for consumer. In order to meet the high market expectations especially for the upcoming consumer field, several challenges must be addressed, in a variety of fields: optics, display, imaging, sensing, rendering, and MR content. Across each of these fields, artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques can offer important gains in optimization of key performance criteria, allowing for systems to be more performant on more constrained resources.
Conference Presentation
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Bernard Kress, Maria Pace, and Ishan Chatterjee "Artificial intelligence (AI) as a key enabling technology for next generation mixed reality (MR) experiences leading to mass adoption in enterprise and consumer spaces", Proc. SPIE 11469, Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence 2020, 1146906 (20 August 2020);
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Mixed reality

Artificial intelligence



Heads up displays

Sensor fusion


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Tactical cockpits: flat-panel imperatives
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