Magnetic skyrmions are quasiparticle configurations in a magnetic film that can act as information carrying bits for ultrasmall, low power nonvolatile memory. Skyrmions can be nucleated and driven by spin-orbit torque from a current driven in a heavy metal underlying a ferromagnetic layer, the configuration commonly called a racetrack. Recently it has been shown that by hybridizing the skyrmion between Neel and Bloch types the magnus effect on skyrmion motion, which makes it veer from a straight path down a racetrack, can be effectively canceled which provides them a self-focused naturally converging lane" to travel through. This is achieved by exploiting the voltage controlled magnetic anisotropy effect whereby the magnetic anisotropy of the ferromagnetic racetrack can be positionally modulated by a gate voltage. In this work we show, using detailed micromagnetic simulations, that by using hybrid skyrmions we can obtain demultiplexer functionality out of a racetrack. We further propose a hybrid skyrmionic reconfigureable computing fabric. In conventional CMOS based field programmable gate arrays, SRAM cells are used to build a LUTs storing pre-computed truth-table of a Boolean function and a multiplexer selects one of the storage cells as the output. We show that non-volatile hybrid skyrmions can also act as the memory element and the gateable self-focused nature of the hybrid skyrmions can be exploited to program the proposed CMOS-skyrmion hybrid design to perform different logic operations. The low driving energy and non-volatility of magnetic skyrmion in a racetrack promises the development of energy efficient programmable architecture for future system-on-a-Chip (SoC) designs.