Poster + Paper
21 August 2020 X-ray kinoform lenses made using femtosecond laser technique
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Conference Poster
Using femtosecond laser technique, ‘long type’ kinoform lenses designed with single foci are made for both soft X-ray range(around 800ev) and hard x-ray range(12kev). The soft x-ray lenses are made of SU8 photoresist by two-photon polymerization(TPP) technique while the hard x-ray lens is made of sapphire using femtosecond laser ablation. Physical aperture of the soft X-ray SU8 lenses reaches 90 microns with one centimeter focal length. The hard X-ray sapphire lens has aperture size at around 210 microns but much larger focal length of 5 meters. These lenses show promising usage of ultrafast femtosecond laser in making complicated x-ray lenses though much works are still needed to improve the fabrication process.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
He Lin, Shuang-Ning Yang, and Xue-Qing Liu "X-ray kinoform lenses made using femtosecond laser technique", Proc. SPIE 11491, Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components XV, 1149113 (21 August 2020);
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Laser processing

Femtosecond laser micromachining

Hard x-rays

Lens design

Two photon polymerization


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