1 February 1990 A Stabilization System I For A Large Aperture Reconnaissance Camera
Daniel L. Crabtree, Michael Bown
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Performance requirements for Long Range Oblique Photography (LOROP) cameras are a principal driver for system stabilization requirements. Systems analysis can predict the stabilization level required for a given Ground Resolved Distance (GRD) under specific conditions. This information is used then as a basis for the stabilization design in which choices for bearings, passive isolators and active devices can be selected. In this paper, we show examples of GRD's versus residual rate errors for various ranges of a panning system. We also discuss how both active and passive isolation techniques can be used to achieve a desired performance level. The CA-990 LOROP camera system is used as an example of how multifaceted stabilization techniques can be used to create a very precise pann-ing camera system in a high-vibration environment.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Daniel L. Crabtree and Michael Bown "A Stabilization System I For A Large Aperture Reconnaissance Camera", Proc. SPIE 1156, Airborne Reconnaissance XIII, (1 February 1990);
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Modulation transfer functions


Imaging systems

Spatial frequencies

Reconnaissance systems

Signal to noise ratio



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