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15 February 2021 2D vs. 3D U-Net abdominal organ segmentation in CT data using organ bounds
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Conference Poster
We compare axial 2D U-Nets and their 3D counterparts for pixel/voxel-based segmentation of five abdominal organs in CT scans. For each organ, two competing CNNs are trained. They are evaluated by performing five-fold cross-validation on 80 3D images. In a two-step concept, the relevant area containing the organ is first extracted by detected bounding boxes and then passed as input to the organ-specific U-Net. Furthermore, a random regression forest approach for the automatic detection of bounding boxes is summarized from our previous work. The results show that the 2D U-Net is mostly on par with the 3D U-Net or even outperforms it. Especially for the kidneys, it is significantly better suited in this study.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Daria Kern, Ulrich Klauck, Timo Ropinski, and André Mastmeyer "2D vs. 3D U-Net abdominal organ segmentation in CT data using organ bounds", Proc. SPIE 11601, Medical Imaging 2021: Imaging Informatics for Healthcare, Research, and Applications, 1160114 (15 February 2021);
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