2 July 2021 Research of distributed acquisition system based on clock synchronization
Min Xuan, Fei Yu, Qing-chuan Fan
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Proceedings Volume 11887, International Conference on Sensors and Instruments (ICSI 2021); 1188720 (2021)
Event: International Conference on Sensors and Instruments 2021, 2021, Qingdao, China
In order to improve clock synchronization and data synchronization among distributed measuring devices, a distributed synchronous acquisition system based on IEEE 1588 is designed in this paper. Firstly, the precision time protocol stack (PTPD) was transplanted to STM32 platform, and the clock synchronization of master and slave devices was realized by combining real-time operating system and LwIP stack. Then, the acquisition trigger based on time synchronization is realized. Finally, the data is uploaded for analysis through Ethernet. Experimental results show that the system can realize clock synchronization among distributed acquisition devices and improve data synchronization.
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Min Xuan, Fei Yu, and Qing-chuan Fan "Research of distributed acquisition system based on clock synchronization", Proc. SPIE 11887, International Conference on Sensors and Instruments (ICSI 2021), 1188720 (2 July 2021);
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