31 August 2021 Reconstruction of infrared digital holography based on compressed sensing
Hao Feng, Dongshun Zhang, Shu Liu, Zili Zhang, Zhiyuan Zheng, Haochong Huang
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Proceedings Volume 11907, Sixteenth National Conference on Laser Technology and Optoelectronics; 119072P (2021)
Event: Sixteenth National Conference on Laser Technology and Optoelectronics, 2021, Shanghai, China
The design and algorithm research of the digital holographic imaging system in the near infrared band is carried out in this paper, which is based on the infrared band laser and the planar array detector. We built a set of a near infrared coaxial digital holographic imaging system based on the 1550 nm wavelength distributed feedback laser, and the system was calibrated with the resolution plate. At the same time, the compressed sensing algorithm is used to reconstruct the holograms of the resolution plate and other objects, which effectively inhibits the influence of noise. It proves that infrared digital holographic imaging technology is a new potential phase-contrast imaging method.
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hao Feng, Dongshun Zhang, Shu Liu, Zili Zhang, Zhiyuan Zheng, and Haochong Huang "Reconstruction of infrared digital holography based on compressed sensing", Proc. SPIE 11907, Sixteenth National Conference on Laser Technology and Optoelectronics, 119072P (31 August 2021);
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