A Visible Light Communication (VLC) cooperative system that supports guidance services and uses an edge/fog based architecture for wayfinding services is presented. The integrated dynamic navigation system consists of multiple transmitters (luminaries) which transmit the map information and path messages necessary for wayfinding. The luminaires used for downlink transmission are equipped with one of two types of controllers: mesh controllers or cellular controllers, which, respectively, forward messages to other devices in the vicinity or to the central manager. Mobile optical receivers, collect the data, extracts theirs location to perform positioning and, concomitantly, the transmitted data from each transmitter. Uplink transmission is implemented and the best route to navigate through venue calculated. Each luminaire, through VLC, reports its geographic position and specific information to the users, making it available for use. Bidirectional communication is implemented and the best route to navigate through venue calculated. Buddy wayfinding services are also considered. Results indicate that the system is able to perform not just the self-localization, but also infer the travel direction and interact with it, optimizing the route to a static or dynamic destination.