One of the integral parts of super-resolution ultrasound imaging (SRI) is particle tracking. This paper presents tracking for a new approach for SUper Resolution ultrasound imaging using Erythrocytes (SURE), which uses the erythrocytes as the target instead of fragile microbubbles. The acquisition of the SURE data can be accomplished in seconds due to the abundance of erythrocytes as targets. The nearest-neighbor (NN) algorithm was used to track erythrocytes. The erythrocyte targets were tracked to create SURE intensity map by three NN trackers with a constraint on the maximum velocities of 20, 40, 80 mm/s. By combining the outputs of three trackers, and inserting them into one map, and also using an image fusion method based on discrete wavelet transform for fusion the intensity maps, it was demonstrated that the combination of trajectories from different velocities and fusion of intensity maps carried more information from all the maps.