Presentation + Paper
25 May 2022 Towards a new understanding of optical poling efficiency in multimode fibers
Maxime Jonard, Maggy Colas, Yann Leventoux, Tigran Mansuryan, Julie Cornette, Alessandro Tonello, Stefan Wabnitz, Mario Zitelli, Fabio Mangini, Mario Ferraro, Yifan Sun, Sébastien Février, Jean-René Duclère, Vincent Couderc, Claire Lefort
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All-optical poling was demonstrated for the first time in 1986 in single mode fibers: such nonlinear optical process enabled the introduction of a second-order susceptibility (χ(2)) in a doped silica fiber. By simply using an intense laser source, alloptical poling, later theoretically described by Stolen and coworkers, permitted the generation of a second harmonic (SH) signal in an otherwise centrosymmetric doped material. More recently, similar experiments have been carried out by exploiting complex beam propagation in multimode fibers. In this work we reveal, for the first time to our knowledge, the 3D spatial distribution of a χ(2) nonlinearity written in a graded-index (GRIN) multimode (MM) fiber. In particular, the presence of a doubly-periodic distribution of χ(2) is unveiled by means of multiphoton microscopy. The shortest period (tens of micrometers) is due to the beating between the fundamental and the SH beams, and it is responsible for their quasi-phase matching (QPM). Whereas the longest period (hundreds of micrometers) is associated with the periodic evolution, or self-imaging, of the power density of the MM beam along the GRIN MM fiber. The complex modal beating, leading to spatial self-cleaning of the fundamental beam, is thus printed inside the fiber core, and revealed by our measurements. We considered two fibers of similar composition and opto-geometric parameters, and we compared the evolution of the optical poling process with time. Despite the rather similar fiber characteristics, we observed a striking difference in the poling efficiency between the two fibers. Such observation led us to point out the importance of considering the complete fiber fabrication process (both the preform elaboration and the drawing steps) on the final structure and microstructure of optical fibers.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Maxime Jonard, Maggy Colas, Yann Leventoux, Tigran Mansuryan, Julie Cornette, Alessandro Tonello, Stefan Wabnitz, Mario Zitelli, Fabio Mangini, Mario Ferraro, Yifan Sun, Sébastien Février, Jean-René Duclère, Vincent Couderc, and Claire Lefort "Towards a new understanding of optical poling efficiency in multimode fibers", Proc. SPIE 12143, Nonlinear Optics and its Applications 2022, 1214303 (25 May 2022);
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Multimode fibers

Optical fibers

GRIN lenses


Raman spectroscopy

Nonlinear optics

Structured optical fibers

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