18 March 2022 Literature visualization analysis of water eutrophication models by CiteSpace
Haizhen Hu, Gang Zhou, Tingting Hu, Yongfeng Xiong, Shixian Ma, Sichen Tong
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Proceedings Volume 12168, International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Processing (ICCAID 2021); 121680Z (2022)
Event: International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Processing (ICCAID 2021), 2021, Harbin, China
Eutrophication is the most common water environment problem of receiving water body. As a new literature analysis method in recent years, visual analysis of literature can be used to obtain some profound and intuitive understanding of the research content and development trend of eutrophication models. In this paper, literatures of eutrophication models in the past decade are analyzed from several different angles by CiteSpace, a visual analysis software. Results show that the international research on eutrophication models is gradually increasing. Research hotspots in this field mainly focus on lake eutrophication, Lake Erie, marine hypoxia, Baltic Sea, life cycle assessment, ecological degradation, Black Sea and so on. Research fronts in this field mainly focus on cyanobacteria and eutrophic lakes. According to the selected time interval, it can be divided into three time periods. The preliminary research focuses on eutrophication at the estuary and offshore; the medium-term research focuses on cyanobacteria lakes, and the later research focuses on river eutrophication. China hold the largest number of eutrophication research, which are mainly originated from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In addition, China has close cooperative relations with many countries in the field of eutrophication models study which cross with many other research fields.
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Haizhen Hu, Gang Zhou, Tingting Hu, Yongfeng Xiong, Shixian Ma, and Sichen Tong "Literature visualization analysis of water eutrophication models by CiteSpace", Proc. SPIE 12168, International Conference on Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Processing (ICCAID 2021), 121680Z (18 March 2022);
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