Poster + Paper
29 August 2022 Status update for MAPS, the MMT AO exoPlanet characterization System
Manny Montoya, Katie M. Morzinski, Olivier Durney, Andrew Gardner, Emily Mailhot, Dan Vargas, Amali Vaz, Grant West, Jenny Patience, Buell T. Jannuzi, Narsireddy Anugu, Jared Carlson, Kim Chapman, Shaojie Chen, Chuck Fellows, Lori Harrison, Terry Jones, Craig Kulesa, Masen Lamb, Siqi Liu, Don McCarthy, Suresh Sivanandam, Jacob Taylor
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
The MMT Adaptive optics exoPlanet characterization System (MAPS) is an exoplanet characterization program that encompasses instrument development, observational science, and education. The instrument we are developing for the 6.5m MMT observatory is multi-faceted, including a refurbished 336-actuator adaptive secondary mirror (ASM); two pyramid wavefront sensors (PyWFS's); a 1-kHz adaptive optics (AO) control loop; a high-resolution and long-wavelength upgrade to the Arizona infraRed Imager and Echelle Spectrograph (ARIES); and a new-AO-optimized upgrade to the MMT-sensitive polarimeter (MMT-Pol). With the completed MAPS instrument, we will execute a 60-night science program to characterize the atmospheric composition and dynamics of ~50-100 planets around other stars. The project is approaching first light, anticipated for Summer/Fall of 2022. With the electrical and optical tests complete and passing the review milestone for the ASM’s development, it is currently being tuned. The PyWFS's are being built and integrated in their respective labs: the visible-light PyWFS at the University of Arizona (UA), and the infrared PyWFS at the University of Toronto (UT). The top-level AO control software is being developed at UA, with an on-sky calibration algorithm being developed at UT. ARIES development continues at UA, and MMT-Pol development is at the University of Minnesota. The science and education programs are in planning and preparation. We will present the design and development of the entire MAPS instrument and project, including an overview of lab results and next steps.
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Manny Montoya, Katie M. Morzinski, Olivier Durney, Andrew Gardner, Emily Mailhot, Dan Vargas, Amali Vaz, Grant West, Jenny Patience, Buell T. Jannuzi, Narsireddy Anugu, Jared Carlson, Kim Chapman, Shaojie Chen, Chuck Fellows, Lori Harrison, Terry Jones, Craig Kulesa, Masen Lamb, Siqi Liu, Don McCarthy, Suresh Sivanandam, and Jacob Taylor "Status update for MAPS, the MMT AO exoPlanet characterization System", Proc. SPIE 12185, Adaptive Optics Systems VIII, 121856S (29 August 2022);
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Adaptive optics

Wavefront sensors

Imaging systems





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