Over the course of a mission, Irradiation damage will compromise images obtained through CCDs as the Charge Transfer Inefficiency is altered by traps induced in such devices. To ensure that the evolution of CTI is understood throughout the lifetime of a mission a long-term study of an irradiated CCD273 device has been undertaken at the Open University (OU) Centre for Electronic Imaging. Irradiations were performed both in room temperature and cryo (153K) conditions at a variety of irradiation doses from 6x109 protons to 1.5 x109 protons at 10MeV equivalent. Following irradiation, the device was kept under Cryo-mission-like conditions for 12 months, over which the major imaging figures of merit were measured (EPER, FPR, X-ray and dark current) to track the changes through the lifetime of a detector with focus on the evolving CTI. Over the course of the study this has given insight into the temperature dependence and long-term changes in CTI that can be expected from a CCD in orbit.