Open Access Paper
17 October 2022 An attempt of directly filtering the sparse-view CT images by BM3D
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Proceedings Volume 12304, 7th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography; 123042J (2022)
Event: Seventh International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography (ICIFXCT 2022), 2022, Baltimore, United States
The x-ray computed tomography (CT) images with sparse-view data acquisition contain severe angular aliasing artifacts. The common denoising filters do not work well. The state-of-the-art methods to process the sparse-view CT images are deep learning based; they require a large amount of training data pairs. This paper considers a situation where no training data sets are available. All we have is one sparse scan of a patient. This paper attempts to use a BM3D filter to reduce the artifacts by introducing an artifact power spectral density function, which is calculated with computer simulations. The results in this paper show that the proposed method is not effective enough for practice applications. However, some insights may lead us to further investigations.



The motivation for using low-dose x-ray computed tomography (CT) is to reduce the patient radiation exposure [1-3]. Since x-ray radiation exposure may play a role in getting cancers, it is advised to reduce the x-ray exposure to an As-Low-As-Reasonably-Achievable (ALARA) level [4]. One way of low-dose imaging is the sparse view method, but sparse angular sampling frequently leads to characteristic streak artifacts. This under sampling situation is also a case of compressed sensing.

Many researchers attempted to solve this compressed sensing problem. One method is the iterative image reconstruction method that minimizes the total-variation (TV) norm or other measures of the image [5]-[11]. Most recently, research activities are mainly in the deep learning area [12]-[19]. It is fair to say that deep learning methods are dominating the current publications and conferences.

This paper investigates a nonlinear filter that is not deep learning based. Our filter is based on the BM3D denoising method, which was proposed by Dabov et al. [20][21]. The BM3D method uses block matching and aggregation strategies to obtain three-dimensional image blocks; its denoising uses Wiener filtering. The BM3D is currently the state-of-the-art in image denoising.

The BM3D method requires two inputs: the noisy image and the noise power spectral density image. The original purpose of BM3D is for random noise reduction. In our application of sparse-view tomography, our main concern is the angular aliasing streak artifacts. These artifact patterns are deterministic and object dependent. These artifacts are usually more pronounced than the random noise. The strategy of this paper is to treat the deterministic artifacts as random noise when calculating the ‘noise’ power spectral density function (image).




‘Noise’ power spectral density

For a given CT image, G, resulted from sparse-view projection measurements, its associated artifact power spectral density function, P, is difficult to obtain. This is because the true image, T, is not available.

In this paper, the artifact power spectral density function, P, is obtained by noiseless computer simulations, that simulate full-scan and sparse-scan projections of some random objects. A full scan has sufficient angular measurements. The reconstructed images from this full-scan data set are treated as (gold standard) true images, Tsimu.

The artifact image, A, is the differences between the gold standard true image, T, and the given sparse-scan image, Gsimu:


In this paper, we use 1000 random simulated objects. Therefore, we have 1000 2D artifact images, A’s.

Let B be the 2D Fourier transform of image A defined in (1). For each element in B, we calculate its norm square and denote the resulting frequency-domain image be P. This resultant 2D image, P, has the same dimension as the image A, is real, and is nonnegative. Even in the noiseless cases, P is not zero due to the sparse-view streaking artifacts. In forming 1000 versions of P, no noise is added. Therefore, the image P is better referred to as the artifact spectral function (instead of the noise spectral function).

Let 00092_PSISDG12304_123042J_page_7_3.jpg be the average artifact power spectral density image from our 1000 artifact power spectral density images, P’s. This averaged artifact power spectral density image 00092_PSISDG12304_123042J_page_7_4.jpg is used in the proposed algorithm.


The proposed algorithm

In the conventional BM3D algorithm, the noise is assumed to be stationary. The Wiener filter is used for denoising in the BM3D algorithm. The Wiener filter assumes stationary noise with a noise power spectral density function 00092_PSISDG12304_123042J_page_7_5.jpg. However, the artifacts are not stationary. Strictly speaking, it is not proper to use our artifact power spectral density function in the BM3D algorithm. Despite of these concerns, we propose an ad hoc algorithm:


where GCT is a 2D given sparse-view CT image, 00092_PSISDG12304_123042J_page_7_5.jpg is the averaged artifact spectral density image, H is the processed output image, and BM3D is the conventional BM3D algorithm.

We must point out that in calculating 00092_PSISDG12304_123042J_page_7_2.jpg, the sparse simulation Gsimu in (1) must have the same imaging and sampling parameter as the situation when sparse-scan CT image, GCT, is obtained. For example, if GCT is reconstructed from a data set of 200 views and with a focal-point to axis-of-rotation of 600 mm, the P image must be obtained using 200 views and 600 mm as well for the sparse-view data.


Computer simulations

We generated 1000 noiseless random 256×256 phantoms, each of which had 2 random ellipses of random shapes, random locations, and random intensities. We generated 2 versions of projections for each computergenerated phantom: one with 60 views over 360° (sparse scan case); the other one with 180 views over 360° (full scan case). Images were reconstructed using the filtered backprojection (FBP) algorithm using all projections for both full scan and sparse scan cases. One averaged artifact power spectral density image, 00092_PSISDG12304_123042J_page_7_2.jpg, was calculated from these 1000 phantoms.

We then generated a new random 256×256 phantom and generated a sparse scan with 60 views (test case). The FBP reconstruction, GCT, was calculated from this new test case 60-view data. The proposed algorithm (2) was applied to this FBP image, GCT, to obtain the final image, H.


Clinical data

Here we had one set of sparse-scan CT images for one patient. The set contained 512×512 2D images. The original projections were not available. We knew the imaging geometry. The number of views was 200 views over 360°. In order to use the proposed method to reduce the angular aliasing artifacts, we generated a new averaged artifact power spectral density image 00092_PSISDG12304_123042J_page_7_2.jpg with 1000 512×512 2D random computer simulated sparse/full image pairs.




Computer simulation results

Fig. 1 shows 2 (out of 1000) representative random phantoms. Their sparse-view versions using 60 views are shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the average artifact power spectral density image by considering 1000 sparse/full pairs of the simulated images.

Figure 1.

Computer simulated random full-scan images.


Figure 2.

Computer simulated random sparse-scan images.


Figure 3.

The averaged artifact power spectral density image for the computer simulation study.


Two new random phantoms sparse-scan images are shown in Fig. 4. These new phantoms are NOT among the 1000 phantoms used in estimating the artifact power spectral density image, because the new ones contain 3 ellipses while the old ones contain 2 ellipses. The results of the proposed method are shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 4.

The test sparse-scan image.


Figure 5.

The test sparse-scan image processed by the proposed method.



Patient data results

Three patient image pairs are shown in Figs. 6, 7 and 8, respectively. The images are sparse-scan images without and with the proposed BM3D processing. Fig. 9 shows the 00092_PSISDG12304_123042J_page_7_2.jpg image for the patient study.

Figure 6.

The sparse-scan patient image slice #160 before (upper) and after (lower) processing by the proposed method.


Figure 7.

The sparse-scan patient image slice #140 before (upper) and after (lower) processing by the proposed method.


Figure 8.

The sparse-scan patient image slice #100 before (upper) and after (lower) processing by the proposed method.


Figure 9.

The averaged artifact power spectral density image for the patient CT image processing. This artifact power spectral density image was generated using computer simulations as in Part A.




We have attempted a method to reduce the sparse-scan angular aliasing artifacts without using any patient training data. This method is a direct application of the BM3D filter by replacing the noise power spectral density function with the artifact power spectral density function.

The BM3D filter assumes stationary noise that is characterized by the noise power spectral density function. Noise and artifacts are never the same. Noise is random, while artifacts are somewhat deterministic. Artifacts are not stationary. Strictly speaking, the artifact power spectral density function does not exist because it is not stationary.

Our ad hoc method assumes the norm square of the Fourier transform of the error image as the artifact power spectral density function, which is calculated with computer simulations and depends on the imaging geometry only. Patient data is not used in finding the artifact power spectral density function.

Our results indicate that the proposed method is not effective enough for practical applications. The artifacts are still present, and the images are over-smoothed after processing. More work needs to be done. However, insights our from this study suggest that some features can be obtained my simulations when there is no real data available. Another thing we observe is that the Wiener filter is not an effective method to remove artifacts, and a better approach should be considered.



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Gengsheng L. Zeng "An attempt of directly filtering the sparse-view CT images by BM3D", Proc. SPIE 12304, 7th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography, 123042J (17 October 2022);
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Computer simulations

Computed tomography

Image processing

Image filtering

X-ray computed tomography


Optical filters

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