27 September 2022 Research on a servo control method of radar from initial intercept to self-tracking
Mei Zhao, Mingyu Hu, Sheng Wang, Baiyan Wang, Yiyong Lin, Shaotao Tao
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Proceedings Volume 12346, 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Control (CITIC 2022); 1234608 (2022)
Event: 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Control (CITIC 2022), 2022, Kunming, China
During initial target tracking by radar, the sighting telescope is usually used to guide the antenna to achieve the initial target intercept. When the radar changes from the guidance state of the sighting telescope to the self-tracking state of radar, it’s easy to lose the target due to the inconsistency between the movement direction of radar antenna and that of target. To solve this problem, a regenerated feedback compensation control strategy is proposed based on speed memory extrapolation and compensation timing selection in this paper. By loading the algorithm into the real equipment and tracking the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, it’s verified that the method can achieve the stable tracking of the target at a faster speed.
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Mei Zhao, Mingyu Hu, Sheng Wang, Baiyan Wang, Yiyong Lin, and Shaotao Tao "Research on a servo control method of radar from initial intercept to self-tracking", Proc. SPIE 12346, 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Intelligent Control (CITIC 2022), 1234608 (27 September 2022);
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Control systems

Detection and tracking algorithms

Feedback loops


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