Quantum technology promises to deliver quantum computers, unbreakable communication and ultra-sensitive sensors. Quantum photonics is one of the prominent platforms of quantum technology which utilizes photons – often called flying qubits. Entanglement generated from a photon-pair source is a crucial resource for many quantum photonic implementations, for example, an entanglement-based global quantum network and metrology beyond classical limits. Here, we will discuss our recent results of chip-scale photon-pair sources in silicon photonics. These results are focused on improving brightness, spectral purity and indistinguishability of the photon-pair sources, for example, by engineering photonic structures and temporal pulse shaping. We have found that both methods have trade-offs among brightness, spectral purity and indistinguishability. Additionally, we have observed that generating a high-fidelity quantum state using a quantum photonic circuit requires sufficient isolation between the nonlinear photon-pair sources and the linear photonic circuit. It is crucial to remove the nonlinear effect of the strong pump both before and after the sources to limit the spurious photon-pair generation which contaminates the target quantum state.