Open Access Paper
28 December 2022 Uncertain resource allocation in UAV from the perspective of distributed robust games
Zhi Wang, Jianxiang Ma, Xiaozhe Wang, Gehui Xu, Guanpu Chen
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 12506, Third International Conference on Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICCSCT 2022); 125061F (2022)
Event: International Conference on Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICCSCT 2022), 2022, Beijing, China
In this paper, we study a distributed resource allocation scheme for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communication systems with parameter uncertainty. A game-theoretic framework is proposed to describe the UAVs’ interactions. Specifically, a distributed robust game is modeled, where the parameters in resource allocation constraints have polyhedral convex uncertainties, which are not exactly known by UAVs. We aim to solve this uncertain problem in the worst case. In this view, we first convert the original robust game into an extended certain game by virtue of the idea in robust optimization. Then we consider distributed dynamics of this certain game to seek generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE) by gradient descent and projected output feedback. Finally, we show several numerical examples to present the feasibility of the proposed dynamics.



Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely emerged and employed in many areas such as military, scientific and civilian scenarios in the past decade. Because of their excellent manoeuvrability, the aerial communication system based on UAVs has been regarded as a new promising paradigm, which can promote rapid and flexible deployment1, 2. Moreover, resource allocation is a crucial communication issue in UAV system. The discussion of resource allocation issue includes but is not limited to transmission power, service users and subchannels. It is important to solve these issues to improve the energy efficiency and coverage of UAV system. For these resource allocation problems, using a competitive way to deploy multiple UAVs has become an emerging research topic. Particularly, game theory is naturally a tool to model such an interactive mechanism between UAVs and enable us to study their complicated behaviors3, 4. In this way, such shared resources between UAVs are frequently considered as coupled constraints in non-cooperative games.

As a reasonable solution to non-cooperative games, a generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE) refers to a strategy profile satisfying local and coupled constraints, in which no one can benefit from unilaterally changing its own strategy. Significant theoretic and algorithmic achievements of GNE seeking have been made5. Furthermore, a lot of research has been done to deploy multiple UAVs in a distributed manner to carry out tasks in various applications. This motivates the interest to seek GNE distributedly in UAV games, where the UAVs obtain a GNE by making decisions with local information and communicating with their neighbors through networks. Various distributed algorithms have been investigated, including asymmetric projection algorithms6, projected algorithms via non-smooth projected tracking dynamics7, and approximate projection-free algorithms8.

On the other hand, most references on UAV allocation are based on a fundamental assumption that all UAVs exactly share the resource allocation constraints information. Whereas, this argument is not always held in practical situations due to the underlying uncertainty. The uncertainty is usually due to many factors such as heavy communication burden2 or environmental noise interferences9. Hence, the robustness of UAV allocation games needs to be considered.

One way to deal with uncertainties is by robust optimization, which provides a paradigm that relies on worst-case analysis. Specifically, computing the worst case means evaluating the solution by realizing the uncertainty that is most unfavourable. By employing the idea of robust optimization in games, the concept of robust game was first proposed in Reference10. This idea is not only limited to theoretical research, but also applied to other practical scenarios11, 12.

The motivation of this work is to model a robust game to investigate the resource allocation issues among UAVs, and seek a GNE under the worst case via a distributed environment. The main technical contributions are listed as follows. Firstly, we employ game theory to build a robust model with polyhedral uncertain parameters for describing the competition among UAVs. Secondly, we convert the original robust game into an extended certain game by employing the idea of robust optimization. Then we investigate a novel continuous-time dynamics for seeking GNE of this certain game in a distributed way by gradient descent and projected output feedback. Finally, we illustrate several examples to present the feasibility of the distributed dynamics.

The remainder is organized as follows. Section 2 formulates a distributed robust game with parameter uncertainties in coupled constraints. Then Section 3 provides a distributed dynamics by considering a robust counterpart. Moreover, Section 4 presents numerical examples for illustration of the proposed dynamics in real UAV applications. Finally, we summary the results obtained in this paper in Section 5.



We first model a distributed robust game with resource allocation constraints to study the UAVs’ interactions in this section.

We consider an N-UAV communication system where UAVs take the optimal resources allocation. This formulates a non-cooperative game. We denote 𝒢 = (I, Ɛ) as a connected network graph, where I ≜ {1, … N} is the UAV set and ɛ is the edge set. Also, we take A = [aij] ∈ ℝn×n as the connected matrix of 𝒢. If the pair (j, i) ∈ ɛ, then we have aij ˃ 0, which indicates that UAV j can exchange the information with i, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Multi-UAV communication network.


For iI, UAV i chooses a decision variable xi from a compact and convex set Ci ⊆ ℝn. We denote 00073_PSISDG12506_125061F_page_2_2.jpg, xcol{x1, … xN} ∈ C as the strategy profile for all UAVs, and xicol{x1, …, xi−1, xi+1, …, xN} as the strategy profile for all UAVs except i. The convex cost function for UAV i is Ji(xi, xi): ℝnN → ℝ, which is continuously differentiable with respect to xi, Ji(x) is Lipschitz continuous in x. Since the shared resources such as spectrum and power resources are usually limited, there exists a coupled allocation constraint in the UAV communication network. Moreover, considering the inevitable uncertainties in practice, the allocation constraint has uncertain parameters, which come from polyhedral uncertain convex sets. These uncertainties are usually caused by many factors, such as heavy transmission burden in communication channels2 or noise interferences in complex environments10. We denote U ⊆ ℝNn as the set for this allocation constraint. All UAVs should satisfy


where Ξi is a polyhedral uncertain set, defined as Ξi = {θi ∈ ℝn: Pi θidi}, Pi ∈ ℝqi×n, di ∈ ℝqi. For all θi ∈ Ξi, 00073_PSISDG12506_125061F_page_2_4.jpg must be satisfied. Denote 𝒳 ≜ U∩C as the feasible set of this game.

The feasible set of UAV i is


In a nutshell, given xi, UAV i aims to solve


For a reasonable solution of equation (1), a generalized Nash equilibrium (GNE) can be regarded an action profile x* that satisfies


in which no UAV can profit from unilaterally deviating from its own action5. On the other hand, each UAV may only access its local cost function Ji and action set Θi in the multi-UAV network, since these are private information. Also, UAV i can only know 00073_PSISDG12506_125061F_page_3_4.jpg rather than 00073_PSISDG12506_125061F_page_3_5.jpg. To fulfil cooperation, all UAVs exchange their local information through the network graph 𝒢. In this way, this paper studies the approach to find a GNE of equation (1) via a distributed environment.



Based on the formulated robust game, we then consider a distributed dynamics for seeking a GNE of equation (1) under the worst case, that is, the solution satisfies all possible constraints,


Due to the parameter uncertainty, we first utilize the idea in robust optimization to handle the coupled constraint10. Recalling that Ξi is a polyhedral uncertain set for iI. The independent optimization problem separated from equation (4) is


By introducing a dual variable 00073_PSISDG12506_125061F_page_3_8.jpg, equation (2) becomes


We adopt the similar analysis for other UAVs. Whereupon, the robust game of equation (1) is transformed into a certain game with resource allocation constraints


where zi = col{xi, τi} ∈ ℝn+qi, 00073_PSISDG12506_125061F_page_3_11.jpg, 00073_PSISDG12506_125061F_page_3_12.jpg, 00073_PSISDG12506_125061F_page_3_13.jpg, 00073_PSISDG12506_125061F_page_3_15.jpg.

We denote gi(zi,zi) ≜ col {∇xiJi (·,xi), 0qi} ∈ ℝn+qi as the pseudo-gradient. We decompose 00073_PSISDG12506_125061F_page_3_16.jpg bi. We define the projection operator ΠK: ℝnK on a closed and convex set K as


For designing a distributed dynamic, we introduce auxiliary variables yi ∈ ℝn, vi ∈ ℝ, ωi ∈ ℝ for each UAV iI. Moreover, we employ ΠΩi(·),Π+(·) as two projection operators on Ωi and ℝ+, respectively. Then we propose the following distributed dynamics for game of equation (3):


with the initial condition zi (0) ∈ ℝn, yi (0) ∈ ℝn, ωi (0) ∈ ℝ, λi (0) ∈ ℝ, vi (0) ∈ ℝ. Besides, aij represent the entries of the connected matrix A.

In distributed dynamics of equation (4), UAV i calculates yi and vi by using gradient descent. ΠΩi(yi) is the projection of yi onto the local constraints Ωi and Π+(vi) is the projection of vi on the half space ℝ+. The design idea is similar to Reference12. The local variable λi(t) ∈ ℝ+ is calculated as a Lagrangian multiplier to handle the coupled constraints, while the local auxiliary variable ωi is calculated for the consensus of λi. The consensus among these λi guarantees that the decision variables x of all UAVs converge to the consensual GNE x*. The convergence proof can refer to References8, 12.

On the other hand, the terms ΠΩi(·) and Π+(·) are regarded as the projected output feedback, which allows that the players’ initial variables do not need to restrict by the local constraints13-15. Besides, dynamics of equation (4) avoid the nonsmoothness derived by the projection on tangent cones in Reference12.



We show several experiments in this section for the accuracy of distributed dynamics of equation (4).

Considering a UAV communication system with N = 5 UAVs over a ring graph, i.e.,


These UAVs are regarded as decision-making units to adopt optimal strategy to achieve effective coverage value. For iI ≜ {1, … 5}, the action set for UAV i is Ci = {xi ∈ ℝ2: u112xiu212}, with u1 = –30 and u2 = 30. Given xi, UAV i aims to address


where ρi = (15 − i)12 ∈ ℝ2. All UAVs meet the allocation constraint with the parameter satisfying an octagonal set, defined as


Meanwhile, we set tolerance as ttol = 10−4. Figure 2 provides the trajectories along dynamics (4) of each UAV’s decision variables xi.

Figure 2.

Trajectories of all UAVs’ strategies.


Also, Figure 3 shows the Lagrangian multipliers λi reach consensus. Together with Figure 2, we present the correctness and feasibility of distributed dynamics of equation (4).

Figure 3.

The trajectories of λi’s.


Next, we show the effectiveness of dynamics of equation (4) by comparisons. The number of UAVs is increased to N = 20. Figure 4 presents the performance of dynamics of equation (4) and the algorithms in References8, 16. The horizontal axis denotes the running time and the vertical axis denotes the optimal error ||xx*|| under different algorithms. As shown in Figure 4, dynamics of equation (4) converge with a faster rate.

Figure 4.

Comparison of different algorithms.




A distributed robust game model has been considered to model the interactions among multiple UAVs. These UAVs share an allocation constraint, where parameters endowed with the constraint have general uncertainties. By adopting the idea of robust optimization, the original game has been handled under the worst case, and transformed into an associated fixed game. Then a distributed dynamics has been proposed to seek GNE for the converted game by utilizing gradient descent and projected output feedback. Finally, numerical experiments have been illustrated to show the correctness and effectiveness of the dynamics.


This work was supported by Zhejiang Key Laboratory of General Aviation Operation Technology, (JDGA2020-4).



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Zhi Wang, Jianxiang Ma, Xiaozhe Wang, Gehui Xu, and Guanpu Chen "Uncertain resource allocation in UAV from the perspective of distributed robust games", Proc. SPIE 12506, Third International Conference on Computer Science and Communication Technology (ICCSCT 2022), 125061F (28 December 2022);
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