13 January 2023 Research on the evaluation of economic vitality of districts in Beijing on experimental and mathematical statistics analysis
Han Zhao, Siqing You, Chaoyu Zhang
Author Affiliations +
Proceedings Volume 12510, International Conference on Statistics, Data Science, and Computational Intelligence (CSDSCI 2022); 125100K (2023)
Event: International Conference on Statistics, Data Science, and Computational Intelligence (CSDSCI 2022), 2022, Qingdao, China
Based on the traditional comprehensive measurement system of economic vitality, this study adds two dimensions of enterprise vitality and talent science and technology, and uses the data of 16 districts in Beijing to analyze the economic development of these districts. In order to more accurately verify the reliability of the evaluation index system, firstly, the analytic hierarchy process, grey correlation degree -TOPSIS method and coefficient of variation method are used to calculate the economic vitality value and ranking of all districts. The results obtained by the three methods are highly consistent, which proves the effectiveness of the index system. Finally, using the initial ranking, the comprehensive ranking is obtained by the list aggregation ranking method. The empirical results show that the economic development of Beijing is not balanced. The economic vitality of the district located in the center of Beijing is high, while that of the surrounding suburbs is low. Taking the first ranked Haidian District as an example, this paper selects the indicators with high weight in the evaluation system and makes an in-depth analysis of Haidian District's own advantages and policy orientation. In order to enhance the overall economic vitality of Beijing, the government should increase investment in scientific and technological innovation, strengthen policy support, attract more talents and enterprises, and create new vitality for the urban economy.
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Han Zhao, Siqing You, and Chaoyu Zhang "Research on the evaluation of economic vitality of districts in Beijing on experimental and mathematical statistics analysis", Proc. SPIE 12510, International Conference on Statistics, Data Science, and Computational Intelligence (CSDSCI 2022), 125100K (13 January 2023);
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Analytical research

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Principal component analysis

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