20 January 2023 Test and analysis of glare effect of incoherent directional beam
Yun-song Feng, Bin Fan, Jian-ming Xia, Wei Jin, Jin Wang, You-cai Chen
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Proceedings Volume 12560, AOPC 2022: Biomedical Optics; 125600A (2023)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China 2022 (AOPC2022), 2022, Beijing, China
Usually, when there is no glare light source, the light reflected by the target is received by the human eye and then imaged on its retina. The observer can clearly see the target object, and the human eye can correctly judge the movement speed and direction of the target. However, when the glare light source exists, the glare light is scattered to form a light curtain, which is superimposed on the retina. If the scattered light is not too strong, it will not cause discomfort to the human eye, but it reduces the observer's perception of the target object. The visual sense reduces the contrast between the target object and the environment in the human eye, and reduces the human visual response speed. Incoherent directional beam glare interferes with the visual function of normal eyes through instantaneous strong light stimulation, causing temporary loss or decline of visual function, as well as image retention, discomfort, and avoidance responses such as blinking, closing eyes, and turning heads. Based on the mechanism of glare effect, the influencing factors of glare were analyzed, and the influence of incoherent directional beams on human vision was studied from the aspects of light source brightness, irradiation time, flicker frequency, etc. The research results provide data support for the design and use of incoherent glare weapons, and lay the foundation for the application of incoherent directional beam glare weapons in public security fields such as border defense and denial, maritime expulsion, and anti-terrorism and stability maintenance.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yun-song Feng, Bin Fan, Jian-ming Xia, Wei Jin, Jin Wang, and You-cai Chen "Test and analysis of glare effect of incoherent directional beam", Proc. SPIE 12560, AOPC 2022: Biomedical Optics, 125600A (20 January 2023);
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