28 February 2023 Research on lane detection algorithm for large curvature curve
Shihe Tian, Zhian Zhang, Xuegong Huang
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Proceedings Volume 12596, International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MEAI 2022); 125961R (2023)
Event: International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MEAI 2022), 2022, Changsha, China
Existing lane line detection algorithm for identification of a straight line in good condition, to solve the problem of curve, however, failed to find a good strategy, especially in large curvature of curve, the visual field to extract the lane line produces by the two become one, resulting in a wrong calculation, in the case of real vehicle test, bend by camera height, visual field, etc. The indoor robot car is used as the carrier for the test, and a turning strategy is proposed to recognize the lane line at the corner, and the lane line detection algorithm based on sliding window is improved to make it less affected by the environment. The algorithm is simple and efficient, which is suitable for the indoor robot car visual line inspection. The experimental results show that the lane detection algorithm proposed in this paper improves the passing rate and stability of the robot car under large area rate curves.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shihe Tian, Zhian Zhang, and Xuegong Huang "Research on lane detection algorithm for large curvature curve", Proc. SPIE 12596, International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (MEAI 2022), 125961R (28 February 2023);
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