16 June 2023 Research and design of multi-component gas sensing detection system based on NDIR
Lijun Wei, Qiaoling Gao
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Proceedings Volume 12703, Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, and Devices (ICCD 2023); 1270326 (2023)
Event: Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, and Devices (ICCD 2023), 2023, Hong Kong, China
According to the infrared absorption characteristics of gas, a multi-component other analyzer is designed using Lambert-Beer absorption law. The most important SNR influence source of the current high-precision infrared gas absorption sensor has been studied, and the light source drive, infrared gas chamber constant temperature control, signal sampling and weak signal processing circuit design have been optimized. A set of NDIR gas detection device has been designed. After the test of low sulfur gas and carbon dioxide gas, the signal noise fluctuation has been reduced from 140 uV to about 50 uV, and the detection limit has reached 0.01 ppm, the technological innovation of NDIR multi-component gas detection has been realized, and the results of this project have successfully achieved mass production.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Lijun Wei and Qiaoling Gao "Research and design of multi-component gas sensing detection system based on NDIR", Proc. SPIE 12703, Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, and Devices (ICCD 2023), 1270326 (16 June 2023);
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Design and modelling

Infrared radiation

Signal processing

Light sources



Signal to noise ratio

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