25 May 2023 A method for automotive fuel cell fault diagnosis based on PCA-APSO-SVM
Yiming Zhang, Changqing Du, Tongyu Pan
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Proceedings Volume 12712, International Conference on Cloud Computing, Performance Computing, and Deep Learning (CCPCDL 2023); 127120Z (2023)
Event: International Conference on Cloud Computing, Performance Computing, and Deep Learning (CCPCDL 2023), 2023, Huzhou, China
For two types of common faults in automotive fuel cell reactors, namely flooding and drying, a PEMFC fault diagnosis approach combining support vector machine (SVM) and adaptive particle swarm optimization (APSO) is proposed. In this study, principal component analysis (PCA) is used to reduce the dimensionality of the original data samples, extract the two key variables characterizing the faults, establish the APSO-SVM diagnostic model, and compare and contrast it with RNN, CNN, and BP diagnostic methods to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the algorithm. To compare and evaluate the diagnostic model's generalizability, several sample set sizes are used. The simulation outcomes demonstrate that the fault diagnosis method of optimized SVM using APSO has excellent performance in terms of diagnostic accuracy, model training speed, and generalization ability, providing a method reference for further research on automobile fuel cell fault detection.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yiming Zhang, Changqing Du, and Tongyu Pan "A method for automotive fuel cell fault diagnosis based on PCA-APSO-SVM", Proc. SPIE 12712, International Conference on Cloud Computing, Performance Computing, and Deep Learning (CCPCDL 2023), 127120Z (25 May 2023);
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Data modeling


Principal component analysis

Particle swarm optimization

Statistical modeling

Evolutionary algorithms

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