Poster + Paper
13 March 2024 Surface profile inspection system using image sensor and two laser devices
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Conference Poster
In recent years, distance measurement technology has advanced with the development of electronic devices, contributing to various industries. LIDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, uses laser light to detect reflections from objects and measure their distance. Typically, these distance measurement devices can accurately measure objects that are only a few centimeters away, while some products can measure distances as long as several meters. However, if either the displacement sensor or the object itself remains stationary, it is not possible to detect the surface shape of the object, including its tilt or unevenness. This research focuses on developing a measurement device that can accurately measure the distance to an object, even when the object has low surface contrast. The device is capable of measuring both the inclination and distance of an object at distances of several meters.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
T. Nishino, Y. Inoue, H. Kuriyama, Y. Nagamine, and H. Tanigawa "Surface profile inspection system using image sensor and two laser devices", Proc. SPIE 12906, Light-Emitting Devices, Materials, and Applications XXVIII, 129060R (13 March 2024);
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Distance measurement

Image sensors



Industrial applications

Light sources

Measurement devices

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