Poster + Paper
9 May 2024 Inversing the actuation cycle of dielectric elastomer actuators for a facial prosthesis
Stefania Konstantinidi, Quentin De Menech, Thomas Martinez, Paolo Germano, Alexis Boegli, Yoan Civet, Yves Perriard
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Conference Poster
Dielectric Elastomer Actuators (DEAs) are a type of smart material described as compliant capacitors. They show impressive performances as soft actuators, such as a high strain and fast response. Nonetheless, replicating natural muscle function with DEAs has posed a challenge since DEAs exhibit in-plane expansion, whereas natural muscles contract when stimulated. This publication aims to investigate the use of a normal configuration of DEAs to obtain a contractile movement for post paralysis facial reanimation, by inversing its actuation cycle: the voltage applied on the DEA will constantly be on to keep the DEA stretched and will be off when a contraction movement is wanted, for instance for smiling. Several difficulties linked to this solution need to be considered, such as the self-discharge rate of the DEA, linked to the leakage current flowing through the dielectric when a voltage is applied. The leakage current corresponds to a leakage of charge between the two electrodes and is suggested to influence the self-discharge rate but also the dielectric breakdown and the performance of the actuator. As DEAs present a fast self-discharging rate, the charging frequency of DEAs should be determined to avoid unwanted displacement leading to visible facial spasms. DEAs and their self-discharge rate are characterized, to determine the chosen charging frequency and duty cycle for facial reanimation. The goal is to have the minimum discharge between two actuation cycles. A discharge model was proposed and validated experimentally, allowing to determine a chosen frequency of 2 Hz and 50% duty cycle, leading to a discharge of less than 3% between two actuation cycles, and thus allows to consume 1.5% less energy over each cycle compared to a continuous actuation.
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Stefania Konstantinidi, Quentin De Menech, Thomas Martinez, Paolo Germano, Alexis Boegli, Yoan Civet, and Yves Perriard "Inversing the actuation cycle of dielectric elastomer actuators for a facial prosthesis", Proc. SPIE 12945, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) XXVI, 129450V (9 May 2024);
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Dielectric elastomer actuators



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