In this paper, a patterning approach via i-line grayscale exposure is presented. The i-line wafer stepper (NIKON NSR2205i11D) together with specialized grayscale reticles from Benchmark Technologies (USA), manufactured with half-toning technique, are used. The positive tone and low contrast grayscale ma-P 1275G photoresist is manufactured by Micro Resist Technology (Berlin, Germany) and used in this work; it is part of the ma-P 1200G grayscale resist series and can cover a thickness range of 5 μm to 14 μm. The lithographical pattering process is performed on 6-inch wafers. Essential parameters like the contrast curve measured in the resist as well as after the dry etching are evaluated. Different 2.5D structures like micro lens arrays, blazed gratings, frustums and Fresnel lenses are fabricated by i-line stepper gray scale lithography and ma-P 1275G demonstrating its excellent behavior to generate 2.5D grayscale patterns. For the characterization of the generated 2.5D grayscale patterns a stylus profilometer, atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal microscope are used. In this paper the process of setting up a grayscale exposure with an i-line stepper and a grayscale reticle and the need to adapt the grayscale reticle in different iterations is presented and discussed.