The deformation field of the Philippine earthquake is obtained by Sentinel-1A orbit descending data according to D-InSAR technology. Secondly, fault parameters and optimal sliding distribution model are inversed using the Okada uniform elastic semi-infinite dislocation model. Finally, the 3D deformation field is calculated based on the fault slip distribution model inversed, and the displacement component of ENU directions projected into the LOS direction is then obtained. Results show that the earthquake seismic fault was a thrust and left-handed slip type with a maximum sliding momentum of 1.3m. The maximum uplift deformation and the maximum subsidence deformation are 15 cmand20cmrespectively in the radar line direction, which are the combined effects of the main shock and aftershocks. The strike of the seismogenesis fault is 35°. The dip angle is 12°. The slip distribution is mainly concentrated in the underground16km. The maximum slip momentum is 1.6m. The location of the epicenter is (17.49°N, 120.76°E). The sliding angleis37°. The moment magnitude is Mw7.0 with a corresponding seismic moment of 3.97E+19N*m. Combined with the fault structure characteristics in the earthquake area and the distribution location of aftershocks, our work suggests that there is a hidden fault parallel to the Abra River fault near the earthquake area, which is the seismogenic fault of this earthquake.